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We are now accepting established clients and select referrals at a home-based office.

Please submit your information on the Therapists & Appointments page to request an appointment.



You deserve the Royal Treatment!

Benefits of Massage

Massage therapy isn't just a luxury - it's a health care practice. Everyone knows that stress can cause illness, and most of us are familiar with muscular problems caused by repetitive stress or strain. Massage can reduce stress, soothe sore muscles, relieve pain, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, reduce headaches, and improve immune function. Having regular massages is a great addition to your health care regimen! 

Please see the "Therapists & Appointments" page for contact 

info to schedule your session!

Professional Bodywork Services provided by:

Windy E. Crater, LMBT

(NC License #8981)


Aimee E. Chellew, LMBT

(NC License #9081)

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